Monthly Lineup!
Monthly Lineup!
Take the guesswork out of what class to take!
Classes will drop Monday-Friday below on a daily basis and be available for up to one month at a time. No classes on the weekend, so take a rest day, go play in nature, or hit up a class in real life. Weekends, you do you.
Click here for music playlists. Find the one that suits your mood, hit shuffle, and control your music volume directly in the Spotify app to sync with the class volume. Live replays will have music already.
Friday 1/17 Full-Body Combos (20min)
All combos and all on the back of the Micro. Uses: rear platform and rear handlebars.
Thursday 1/16 Upper Body (30min)
This 30 minute full-body class will use the base model and heavy hand weights.
Wednesday 1/15 Core Focus (35min)
This is a 35 minute full-body workout with an emphasis on the core. This class utilizes: the back platform, rear handlebars, and bungee. You can add 1-2 hand weights for added intensity.
Tuesday 1/14 Lower Body (20min)
We all love a good booty workout! This class uses the back platform, cables, and bungee on it’s longest setting.
Monday 1/13 Full-Body (40min)
Setup: one white spring, rear handlebars, space behind Micro, and mat or cushion on left side of the machine. Prenatal options: begin on 1-2 black, using front handlebars.
Friday 1/10 Full-Body (20min)
I love the intensity that can be found in a 20 minute Microformer workout! You only need the base model for this class, but will utilize the back platform and rear handlebars if you have them.
Thursday 1/9 Upper Body (30min)
Two classes will make up your upper body focused workout for the day! These classes use the cables attached to the back of the carriage and hand weights.
Wednesday 1/8 Core (20min)
This core-focused full-body class will use hand weights and your bungee for kicks! Your core will be challenged in every single move. You only need the base model with an option to use front handlebars.
Tuesday 1/7 Lower Body (30min)
Two classes will make up your lower body focused workout today! These classes will use the base model and the bungee.
NEW! Monday 1/6 Full-Body (40min)
This is a 40 minute full-body workout that uses the rear platform, rear handlebars, and front handlebars. If you only have one set of handlebars, start with them up front.
Friday 1/3 Vinyasa Yoga (45min)
This 45 minute vinyasa flow invites you to cultivate awareness of your emotions as you move through your practice. As always, take what you need, leave what you don’t.
Thursday 1/2 Upper Body (30min)
This 30 minute class will use the cables in every single move to target your entire body. Your core will be feeling it, but there are ZERO planks in this class. You will use: rear platform, and cables.
NEW! Wednesday 1/1 Core Focused (30min)
This is a 30 minute full-body workout with an emphasis on the core. Uses: front handlebars. Optional: light hand weights.
Tuesday 12/31 Lower Body (20min)
This 20 minute class will target your core and lower body. Uses: rear platform, and front handlebars.
Monday 12/30 Full-Body (45min)
Setup: One white spring, space in front and to the sides of your Micro, and rear handlebars attached. Melanie called this one "around the world legs."
Friday 12/27 Full-Body (28min)
This 28 minute full-body workout was not written as an advanced class…but it feels like one! Class uses the front high handlebars.
Thursday 12/26 Upper Body (25min)
This 25 minute full-body class will heavily focus on the upper body and incorporate the use of cables for the entire workout. Make some space behind your back platform and remove rear handlebars.
Wednesday 12/25 Core (20min)
Roll out a mat beside your Micro and get deep into your core muscles with this 20 minute class. Uses: base model. Remove front handlebars.
Tuesday 12/24 Lower Body (20min)
This 20 minute full-body workout will focus on the lower body. Remove front handlebars and get ready to work your lower half!
Monday 12/23 Full-Body (45min)
This replay 45 minute live class is the first of 2022 and will set the tone for the New Year! Setup: one white spring, bungee for kicks, and good vibes.