Monthly Lineup!
Monthly Lineup!
Take the guesswork out of what class to take!
Classes will drop Monday-Friday below on a daily basis and be available for up to one month at a time. No classes on the weekend, so take a rest day, go play in nature, or hit up a class in real life. Weekends, you do you.
Click here for music playlists. Find the one that suits your mood, hit shuffle, and control your music volume directly in the Spotify app to sync with the class volume. Live replays will have music already.
Friday 11/22 Upper Body Stretch (10min)
We spend a lot of time in plank, like A LOT. Dedicate 10 minutes to stretching out your upper body, some mindful breaths, and a little reset. Grab a mat and some floor space.
Thursday 11/21 Full-Body w/Pulley Cables (25min)
This 25 minute pulley cable workout is a great full-body burner. Not a single plank, but your core will be on fire. Uses: rear platform and pulley cables.
Wednesday 11/20 Full-Body (40min)
This is one of my favorite classes to date! Roll out a mat beside your Micro and grab some hand weights for that extra burn! You will use the base model, rear platform, back handlebars, and bungee!
Tuesday 11/19 Full-Body w/Weights (20min)
This is a super effective 20 minute full-body workout. You will need the base model, rear platform, rear handlebars, and hand weights.
Monday 11/18 Full-Body (45min)
Setup: one white, rear handlebars, and bungee on tight! Your mantra: Show Up. Simple.
Friday 11/15 Wrist-Friendly Core (10min)
Do your wrists need a break? We've got you! 10 minutes of wrist-friendly core using the base model and rear platform.
Thursday 11/14 Heavys! (25min)
Pick up your heavys! Heavier than usual hand weights to spice up this 25 minute full-body burner! Uses: heavy hand weights and rear platform.
Tuesday 11/12 Advanced Full-Body (25min)
We are taking it to the back on one white spring for this entire workout! This is all-out full-body using the base model, rear platform, and rear handle bars.
Monday 11/11 Full-Body (45min)
Setup: Rear handlebars, bungee, space in front of Micro, and a little on each side. Live from Crooks Coffee in Santa Rosa, CA.
Friday 11/8 Pushing Legs & Upper Body (20min)
This 20 minute full-body workout will focus on heavy pushing legs, while incorporating hand weights to target the upper body. Class uses the base model and a set of weights.
Thursday 11/7 Abs & Arms (20min)
Hook up your cables and let's hit 20ish mins of abs and arms! Space behind your Micro and a yoga mat are suggested.
Wednesday 11/6 Full-Body (45min)
Setup: Cables attached to carriage (or options given for hand weights), rear handlebars on, space behind your Micro, and one black spring to start.
Tuesday 11/5 Booty & Arms (20min)
Base-model friendly (with or without bungee) class that focuses on glutes, shoulders, and triceps!
Monday 11/4 Full-Body (45min)
Setup: One white spring, rear handlebars, optional weights. Focus on the little things. They aren’t so little.
Friday 11/1 Upper Body (8min)
This class uses hand weights and the back platform to target triceps, back, and core.
Thursday 10/31 Full-Body (40min)
Setup: one white, light hand weights near rear platform, medium to heavy hand weights near front platform, bungee on tight, and rear handlebars. Special Halloween Playlist! Music cuts out partway through class, so feel free to sync up with a playlist when that happens :)
Wednesday 10/30 Full-Body w/Cables (20min)
This full-body class will use cables attached to the back of the carriage. Remove rear handlebars and create some space behind your Microformer.
Tuesday 10/29 Full-Body w/Pulley Cables (25min)
You will need space to both sides of your Micro and pulley cables or hand weights for this full-body banger!
Monday 10/28 Full-Body (40min)
Setup: Cables on, modify springs as needed, space behind back platform and to sides. A mat can be used for comfortability beside the Micro.